Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Guess Who Again!

The main reason why I called my post 'Guess Who!' yesterday was because I intended to mention that one of our new events is going to be a human 'Guess Who!' but I got sidetracked and didn't say anything about it.  Nought out of ten for sticking to the point.  Must try harder.

Anyway I use the term 'human' with some reservation.  It is to be based on characters from the  Ffordiverse with special reference to the Nursery Crime books, so will contain aliens, bears and gingerbread men along with Mrs Danverses and members of the NCD.  No veruccas though you will be pleased to hear.

The reason I called it 'human Guess Who!' is because all the characters will be played by humans, that is any of you who come along to the Ffiesta and who want to join in.  I assume that you are all human anyway. 

It could be fun, or it could be not, but unless we try we'll never know.  It'll be an opportunity for a bit of a sit down anyway.


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