Friday, 27 April 2012

Danger money

I hope you all appreciate the sacrifices I make and the risks I take in fforganising.  I was printing some pictures for the 'Getting to Know You'/Codebreaker game when I gave myself a very nasty paper cut.  I will be claiming danger money.

Anyway, we have a Fforganiser meeting tomorrow when we get together to reassure ourselves that everything is in hand... or not. 

I'm sure the Chronoguard have been interfering in things, because it's just amazing how one minute the Ffiesta is ages away and then before you know it I only have half an hour to sort all my bits out, do the quiz questions, make up some rules for the games and look out my costume for Legion of the Danvers.  I probably won't need a wig this year, because I shall be completely grey by June. 

But worry not amigos, it'll all be alright on the night, and if not a bit of chaos will add to the ffun. 

In any case I will just pretend that all is going as planned and nobody will know any different.


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